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Columbus Slip & Fall Attorney

Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. > Slip & Fall Accident Attorneys > Columbus Slip & Fall Attorney

Slip & Fall Law Firm Columbus Georgia

Slip and fall accidents are some of the leading causes of emergency room visits in the United States. Most often, the injured person pays the emergency room bills for the lapse in attention that caused the injuries. But in reality, someone else should be paying the bills of the victim since slip and fall accidents mostly occur due to someone else’s negligence.

Someone else’s negligence has led to the unsafe conditions that caused the individual to slip and fall and incur unnecessary medical bills and emotional stress. If you or a loved one in your family is injured due to a slip and fall accident and you think someone else was responsible for it, you should consult a slip and fall law firm in Columbus.

Columbus, Georgia has its share of slip and fall accident law firms. But all of them are not created equal. Your research is crucial to picking the right slip and fall attorney in Columbus. That’s where Ken Nugent’s team comes in handy. If you slip and fall, Ken Nugent’s team is there to pick you up. Call the property liability lawyers at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. for all your slip and fall accidents.

What Should You Do After A Slip And Fall?

If you have received injuries as a result of a slip and fall accident, the first thing you need to do is to get checked out at an emergency room or your doctor’s office. If your injuries are severe, this should be your first task. If you don’t feel that much pain, you may neglect this critical step. But you should resist the urge to shrug off your accident and seek medical assistance. You may already have injuries that are readily not yet visible. This is true if you have bumped your head as you fell. You might be dealing with something serious as a spine injury or a mild concussion. You may go to bed feeling fine under such circumstances but wake up the next morning unable to move.

In case you plan to sue the party whose negligence caused you to slip and fall in the first place, you should have a medical record that lists all of your injuries. This is an essential piece of evidence in negotiating a settlement or going to trial to seek adequate compensation from the responsible party. That’s why you need to see a doctor even if you don’t feel any severe injury after the slip and fall accident. It’s essential for the sake of your health and future financial solvency. You need a reputable lawyer representing you when you seek compensation for your injuries from the responsible party. Call the property liability lawyers at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. in Columbus for all your slip and fall accidents.

Our Georgia law firm handles all types of slip and fall claims. Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is a trusted name in Columbus when it comes to all types of slip and fall accidents. Call our attorneys for all your personal injury lawsuits in Columbus and its suburbs.

In addition to seeking medical assistance, your attorney will speak to the property owner or manager of the building where your accident occurred. If you slipped and fell in a grocery store, you or your lawyer should inform the manager or property owner about the incident. If your accident occurred in your office due to the negligence of the building owner or manager, you should inform them about what happened.

This is important to establish the time and date of the accident and notify the owner about the incident. Make sure you remain impartial to what happened and not accept blame for the incident. Don’t accuse the owner of the building about your accident. Let our attorneys handle that. Don’t accept any offer from the liable party or his insurance provider without informing your attorney. You should always speak to the personal injury lawyer first before you speak to any insurance provider. Our expert lawyers will help you get the maximum compensation for your slip and fall injuries and lost wages. Call the reliable personal injury attorneys at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. for all your slip and fall accidents in Columbus.

Causes Of Slip And Fall Accidents

The latest statistics reveal that only one in five slip and fall accidents would result in serious injuries. These types of accidents are responsible for more than 8-million emergency room visits annually in the United States alone. Slip and fall accidents can become problematic in public places, workplaces, shopping malls, and private residences alike. That’s these accidents are categorized under premises liability.

Here are some statistics to prove the severity of these accidents in the United States:

  • Over 800,000 adults of 65 years and older are hospitalized every year due to injuries from falls – mostly head injuries and hip fractures.
  • Most traumatic brain injuries happen due to falls.
  • A typical serious fall injury can cost an average of $300,000.
  • Falls account for the majority of time lost from work.
  • 5% slip and fall accidents result in broken bones.
  • Most slip and fall accidents occur on a single level rather than from an elevation.

People who are over 65 years of age are at a higher risk of slipping and falling accidents compared to younger people. Here are some conditions that could lead to these types of accidents:

  • Poor vision
  • Balance issues
  • Weakness in leg muscles
  • Painful or inappropriate shoes
  • Prescription medications

If any of these things are apparent in your case, your lawyer has an opportunity to claim compensation on behalf of you. That’s why you need to choose a reputable and experienced law firm to handle your case. Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is a trusted name in Georgia for all your slip and fall accident cases. Call the reliable personal injury attorneys at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. for all your accidents in Columbus.

Types Of Slip And Fall Injuries

Slip and fall accidents can result in many types of injuries depending on when, where, and how the accident occurred. The injuries can range from mild to severe. Here are some of the common injuries that people experience due to these accidents:

  • Bone fractures
  • Soft tissue injuries like a torn ligament, muscle strain, and a sprained wrist
  • Skin injuries like cuts, burns or scrapes
  • Spinal cord injuries – which may result in partial paralysis, chronic pain, and full paralysis
  • Head injuries – mild concussions and traumatic brain injuries

Why You Need An Attorney?

You have to prove that your accident was the result of someone else’s negligence. That’s the only way you can be legally entitled to compensation. You will likely be up against a team of professional lawyers representing the other party. You shouldn’t try to fight such a case by yourself. The case can end up in courts if the insurance company doesn’t agree to pay the full amount of compensation you deserve. That’s where you need the assistance of a professional and experienced lawyer. Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is the best bet for you in this regard.

Once your law firm has established negligence, you should be prepared to provide evidence that validates the damages such as:

  • Time lost from work
  • Medical bills
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Physical therapy
  • Pain and emotional suffering
  • Partial or permanent disability
  • Loss of future earnings

You will need to provide documentation for each item. Medical bills, tax returns, receipts, and medical records are some of the documentary proof. A good lawyer can help you get the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries.

Why Choose The Kenneth S. Nugent Law Firm?

Let an experienced accident attorney help you with a FREE consultation to determine the extent of your injuries and claim.

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