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If Another Person Is Driving My Car In Savannah and Gets Into A Wreck, What Happens?

Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. > Savannah Auto Accident Lawyer > If Another Person Is Driving My Car In Savannah and Gets Into A Wreck, What Happens?

By law, drivers are required to carry a certain amount of car insurance. If an accident occurs, your insurance policy or the policy of the other driver should pay for any resulting damages, depending on who was at fault. Some situations, however, aren’t so clear-cut. What if another person is driving your vehicle and gets into a crash? In a case like this, the circumstances of the accident dictate how it is handled.

What Steps Should I Take If Another Person Wrecks My Car in Savannah?

Any time an accident involving your vehicle occurs, you need to take fast action. You can only seek damages for two years after the accident occurs. Even though that sounds like a lot of time, the deadline can sneak up on you before you know it.

auto accident attorneysIf an accident that was caused by another driver occurs while someone else is driving your vehicle, the insurance company of the driver who caused the accident is usually required to pay. Conversely, if the person driving your vehicle caused the accident, your insurance company is usually responsible for covering the damages. Every policy is different, however. If you aren’t sure how your insurance plan handles situations like these, reach out to your insurer for more information so that you understand exactly what is and isn’t covered.

Seek Help From A Savannah Auto Accident Attorney

After an accident, one of the initial steps you should take is to reach out to an auto accident attorney. Not all accidents are the same. A lawyer can help you understand your rights and responsibilities, based on the circumstances of the accident.

If the driver of your vehicle didn’t cause the accident, your Savannah car wreck lawyer can help you file a claim with the other driver’s insurance company. This is true even if you weren’t actually in the vehicle when the accident occurred. The insurance plan of the driver who caused the accident is almost always responsible for covering any resulting damages, including any injuries or auto damage.

The objective of any insurance company is to minimize the payout amount as much as possible, even if that means undermining your rights. When you hire an attorney, you can be sure that the insurance company isn’t undercutting you when they make a settlement offer.

Know What Your Savannah Insurance Policy Covers

Read your insurance plan carefully to see exactly what it covers. Provide a copy of the policy to your attorney, as well, so that they can help you understand the coverage.

Compile Evidence – You Will Need Proof That You Were Not At Fault

lawyer for car crashesAfter an accident, your goal should be to document everything that occurred. This starts with a call to the police. Contacting the police is not only required from a legal standpoint but it also creates an official report of the Savannah accident that can be used when filing your claim.

If you are on hand when the accident occurs, jot down notes about what happened and snap some photographs. Take pictures of the entire scene, any damage to your car, and any injuries that occurred. If you weren’t in the vehicle, have the person who was driving take care of these steps for you. You or the driver should also talk to anyone who witnessed the accident, getting their contact details so that you can talk to them about the accident again in the future.

Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C.
1 Bull St #400, Savannah, GA 31401

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