The Ryan Cameron Foundation 11th Annual Father Daughter Dance
The 11th Annual Ryan Cameron Foundation Father Daughter Dance was truly a memorable occasion. There were more than 650 attendees who enjoyed a heartfelt first dance to Luther Vandross’ “Dance With My Father,” followed by a surprise performance by El DeBarge.
From “first-timers” to fathers and daughters that have celebrated Father’s Day with us for the past 11 years, the love and adoration was captured on every face. As the guests exited 200 Peachtree, the sentiment was echoed, “This was the best one yet!”
Ryan Cameron Foundation 11th Annual Father Daughter Dance Testimonials
* “Excellent job RCF! This was by far the best Father Daughter Dance to date.” Anthony Brown, 5th year attendee
* “The dance was an unforgettable experience. My daughter enjoys it more and more
the older she gets. I can’t wait to dance with my daughter again next year!!!” Anthony Everett, 3rd time attendee
Survey Results
* 147 Father Daughter Dance surveys were collected
* 49% of the fathers completed the surveys
* 73% of the guests heard about the Father-Daughter Dance on V-103
* 50% of the guests stated that this was their first Father-Daughter Dance
* 11% of fathers and daughters have celebrated Father’s Day with RCF more than 4 times
* 1/3 of the fathers in attendance at the 2013 FDD were registered by their wives