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Savannah Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. > Georgia Medical Malpractice Attorney > Savannah Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Are You A Victim Of Medical Malpractice In Savannah? Call 770-820-0711 To Secure The Compensation You Deserve From Negligent Doctors And Medical Institutions. You Pay NOTHING Unless We Win! For A FREE Consultation, Call Right Away!

To arrange a free consultation, call our Savannah medical malpractice attorneys at (912) 447-5984. Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. has been helping those who have encountered medical malpractice for more than 20 years. To explore your medical malpractice lawsuit, get in touch with our law firm. We operate on a contingency fee basis, so you don’t have to pay anything upfront for the legal assistance you require.

How Savannah’s Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. Injury Lawyers Can Aid in Your Case for Medical Malpractice

You will have a difficult time getting the compensation you are entitled to if a medical professional causes you harm. Courts and insurance companies frequently see doctors favorably given that they are physicians. You are entitled to a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer in Savannah who will fight for your rights and hold the irresponsible healthcare practitioner accountable for your damages.

The injury lawyers at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. have more than 20 years of expertise defending patients in medical malpractice lawsuits. In Savannah, Georgia, if you choose the Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. Law Firm to represent you in a malpractice lawsuit, we will:

  • Provide you with legal counsel and assistance at every level of your case.
  • Investigate your case thoroughly to understand how your injuries occurred and who may be at fault.
  • Work with medical professionals to develop a strong argument that dispels prejudices in favor of doctors.
  • Negotiate a suitable settlement offer with the insurance provider on your behalf.

To begin working on your case, get in touch with Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. Injury Lawyers right away.
You should concentrate on getting better; let us handle the paperwork and pursue the necessary reimbursement.

How widespread is medical negligence in Georgia?

Few people know how frequently medical malpractice occurs. In fact, during their careers, the majority of doctors will face at least one lawsuit for medical misconduct. Surgeons and OB/GYNs are two specialties with greater malpractice rates than others.

The third most common cause of death in America is medical errors, according to a significant John Hopkins study. Medical malpractice is thought to be responsible for 440,000 fatalities annually. Many more suffer from wounds or have their health conditions get worse.

The result of a patient’s death accounts for about 30% of all medical malpractice settlements in the United States. Serious permanent damage is to blame for over 19% of cases. Another 18% are the result of serious, long-lasting injuries.

The definition of medical malpractice: A medical professional commits medical malpractice when their negligence results in patient damage.

There are numerous health care practitioners who may do something improperly, including:

  • Doctors
  • Physicians
  • Personal trainers
  • Chiropractors
  • EMTs
  • Hospitals
  • Care facilities
  • Pharmacists
  • Psychologists
  • Anesthesiologists
  • Dentists
  • Licensed nurses

Any medical setting can experience medical negligence, which can take many different forms, including:

Surgical errors made before, during, or following surgery – This may entail perforating an organ or artery, forgetting to monitor vital signs, or leaving a surgical instrument inside the body of a patient.

Prescription mistakes –  Every year, prescription errors result in thousands of fatalities. These mistakes occur when physicians or pharmacists prescribe or administer the incorrect medication or the dosage of a medication. It can also happen when a drug interacts with another drug or is contraindicated.

Birth trauma –  During pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, mothers and kids may experience harm. Examples include using forceps incorrectly, failing to treat a prenatal disease, or failing to spot distress signals.

Neglecting to treat
This may entail administering the incorrect treatment, delaying treatment, or failing to properly treat an illness.

Delayed diagnosis and incorrect diagnosis –  Here, a doctor could misdiagnose a patient’s disease, diagnose it wrongly, or take too long to make the right diagnosis.

Not all medical errors constitute medical malpractice. Poor treatment outcomes are not always a sign of medical carelessness, either. Only when a medical professional breaches the appropriate level of care and causes harm to their patient does medical malpractice occur.

What’s the Value of My Savannah Medical Malpractice Case?

Every case of medical misconduct is different. Some legal disputes may only amount to several thousand while others could be worth millions.

Your personal injury case’s worth may depend on:

  • Whether numerous medical experts are at fault
  • The extent of the insurance coverage offered
  • Your case’s merits regarding neglect
  • The extent and kind of carelessness that resulted in your injuries
  • The extent of your wounds
  • Whether you have a chronic illness, a disability, or you need continuing medical care

Only three to five percent of malpractice cases result in a jury verdict, and the majority of cases are settled out of court. Consultations with our Savannah medical malpractice attorneys are the most effective way to ascertain the worth of your medical malpractice case. Make an appointment for a free case review with our legal team to go over your claim.

What Losses Am I Entitled To Following Medical Malpractice in Savannah, Georgia?

Both economic and non-economic damages are available to Savannah patients who are the victims of medical negligence. Economic damages cover the cash losses you suffered due to the malpractice. Non-economic damages serve to make up for non-monetary personal losses.

Your losses could consist of:

  • Medical bills, including estimated costs for the foreseeable future
  • Mental suffering
  • Emotional angstScarring or deformity
  • The inability to enjoy life
  • Lost income
  • Decreased or lost earning potential
  • Distress and suffering

If your loved one was killed by medical misconduct, you can be entitled to additional compensation by filing a wrongful death claim. In exceptional circumstances, you can be entitled to punitive damages.
These damages are given by juries to penalize defendants who have shown extreme carelessness or disrespect for human life.

What Leads to Medical Errors in Savannah, Georgia?

Numerous things can go wrong in medical care. Typical causes could be:

  • Burnout, exhaustion, and lack of sleep among doctors –  Hospital employees, doctors, and EMTs are particularly prone to this. One poll found that 10% of doctors admitted to at least one serious medical blunder in the previous three months, while 55% of doctors expressed signs of burnout.
  • Outdated medical expertise and methods – Unfortunately, not all medical professionals remain current on the latest methods and procedures.
  • Professional miscommunication or ineffective patient communication.
  • Bias on the part of a doctor toward a patient or health issue.
  • Medical equipment that isn’t properly maintained.
  • Inattention or negligence.
  • Insufficient follow-up.
  • Inadequate patient monitoring before, during, or after a procedure.

The injury attorneys at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. will thoroughly investigate your case to ascertain what caused your injury and how it occurred.

How Can I Establish Medical Malpractice in Savannah, Georgia?

It’s difficult to prove medical negligence. Overcoming a court and jury bias in favor of doctors is frequently necessary. In general, people trust doctors, and this is also true of judges and juries.

Your case must be supported by evidence that:

  • A doctor and patient relationship existed.
  • The service provider did not meet the required level of medical care.
  • Your harm was brought on by your carelessness.
  • You experienced specific losses.

Medical expert testimony is frequently required in medical malpractice claims. These professionals provide evidence of the appropriate standard of medical care, how the doctor departed from it, and how it caused your damage.

In Georgia, how long do I have before I may file a medical malpractice lawsuit?

You only have two years to initiate a personal injury case in Georgia if you were the victim of medical negligence. The date of your injury is the start of this statute of limitations. You have up to four years from the date of the malpractice to initiate your case if you did not immediately discover your harm. Do not wait to file your medical malpractice claim in Georgia. A thorough inquiry and expert medical testimony are required for medical malpractice. Significant evidence may be lost as a result of delays.
To start assembling your case, speak with a Savannah medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible.

Speak with a Savannah medical negligence attorney

You are entitled to compensation if a doctor caused you to suffer severe injuries or deteriorated health.
Medical malpractice lawsuits require a skilled Savannah personal injury attorney who knows how to support your claim.

A Savannah medical malpractice attorney is available for a free consultation if you get in touch with Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. Injury Lawyers right away. We will advocate for you and assist you in evaluating your legal choices.


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