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John Collins Healthcare Giveaway

Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. > John Collins Healthcare Giveaway
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Attorney Ken Nugent is proud to announce that he is teaming up with Hawks star John Collins and Sports Radio 680 The Fan, for the #oneclickthatsit contest! For each Hawks game, Ken is donating $10.00 for every point that John Collins scores. If you are a healthcare worker and could use some extra money, Ken Nugent and John Collins want to help you out this season! To register to win, please fill out the form below. One winner will be selected for each game.

John Collins was born in Layton, Utah, and attended college at Wake Forest. He was drafted by the Hawks in 2017 as a Power Forward and had his first career start later that year. Since then, he has become a notable member of the team, averaging 21.6 points per game in 2020 with a field goal percentage of 57%. We wish John the best of luck this season and hope that he helps us give away lots of money to our well-deserving healthcare heroes!


2022 Winners:

Name Healthcare Facility Game Winning Amount
G. Ayers Fairview Park Hosp 1/7/22 Lakers 210
C. Hewson Piedmont Athens 1/9/22 Clippers 90
J. Vandervelde Northside Duluth 1/12/22 Heat 160
H. Wynn Houston Medical Center 1/14/22 Heat 160
H. Bartlett Floyd Medical Center 1/15/22 Knicks 130
S. LeCompte AMR 1/17/22 Bucks 160
L. Romey Ally Healthcare 1/19/22 T-Wolves 170
E. Hartman NEGMC 1/21/22 Heat 150
J. Wilson Signature Healthcare 1/23/22 Hornets 80
C. Matheny Peachtree Fire EMS 1/26/22 Kings 90
L. Newbold Signature Healthcare 1/28 Celtics 210
E. Riddick Emory Healthcare 1/30 Lakers 200
K. Kobza University Healthcare 1/31 Raptors 60
S. Wilson Longstreet Clinic 2/3 Suns 180


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